Food Assistance
Many of our neighbors residing in the City of Mount Holly who are in a financial crisis do not have enough food in the home, particularly nutritious food that their family needs. Providing a substantial food order not only allows hunger to be relieved, but also allows money to be used for other household expenses.
Families are given food from our Neighborhood-supported Food Pantry based on family size and each food order is designed to provide nutritious meals that will last for a one-month period. Specific foods provided are determined by inventory levels and donations. The average food order consists of at least 60 different food items including milk, eggs, meat, fresh produce, and toiletries.
People requesting food through the CRO of Mt. Holly must:
- be the Head of Household
- have proof of crisis
- provide income verification
The more information you bring, the better we can assist you. For a complete list of information that you should bring to the CRO when you come for an interview, please click here.
Visit our Location, Directions & Hours page for information specific to our office.